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Use the A to Z menu above to find out what items you can reuse or recycle.
Cameras and Camcorders
Scrap candle wax and unwanted candles can be taken to collection points for the Recycled Candle Company where they will be reused to make new candles. They can also be sent via post.
You can recycle cans in your household collection, please squash them as much as possible first. Please click here for more information on what your district council collects.
You can also take them to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Carbon Monoxide Smoke Alarm
This can be taken to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre, where it will be recycled in the small electricals area.
Most local councils will collect cardboard as part of their household collection. Please click here for more information on what your district council collects.
Otherwise, cardboard can be recycled at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Car Batteries
Car batteries can be taken to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Carpets in good condition may be donated to local furniture groups.
Carrier Bags
Some district councils collect plastic bags in their household collections. Please click here for more information on what your district council collects.
Alternatively, most major supermarkets have plastic bag collections.
Click here for tips on how to reduce your use of plastic bags when shopping.
Some local councils will collect cartons as part of the household collection. Please click here for more information on what your district council collects.
Otherwise, cartons can be recycled at certain local Household Waste Recycling Centres.
Car Tyres
Cassette Players
See Electrical Items.
Cassette Tapes and Cases
Consider donating unwanted cassettes to a local charity shop, sell them online or offer them for free on reuse sites such as Freecycle, Gumtree or social media buy/sell groups.
Or why not consider upcycling your old cassettes into something new, see the Recycle Devon Pinterest page for here ways you can turn unwanted cassette tapes and cases into something new.
Unfortunately, cassettes cannot be recycled due to being made of multiple components.
Cat Litter
See Animal/Pet waste.
CDs and DVDs
Unwanted disks can be reused to make DIY bird deterrents or can be cut up to make mosaics to decorate plant pots, picture frames or mirrors.
You could also try selling them online to generate cash – Simply search the Internet with “sell CDs”. Unwanted CDs can also be taken to a charity shop.
CD and DVD Players
See Electrical Items.
Cement Mixers
Providing it has come from your own home, it is acceptable at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre. You may be asked to fill in a form to confirm this has come from your property.
See Furniture.
Charity Shop Waste
Household waste from these premises is acceptable at Recycling Centres, however, a waiver of tipping authorisation must be arranged prior to disposal (contact Waste Management on 01392 381455) or e-mail
Small quantities of household chemicals (up to 5 litres) are accepted at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Chest Freezers
See Electrical Items.
Chest of Drawers
See Furniture.
China and Crockery
China and Crockery is accepted at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
For example old kitchen units. This can be recycled at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre. It is classed as DIY waste and is limited to 0.5 tonne in any 6-month period.
Christmas Cards
See Greetings Cards.
Christmas Trees
Real Christmas trees can be recycled. Please see the Real Christmas Trees page for more information.
Consider selling or giving away artificial Christmas trees that are still in good condition via reuse sites such as Gumtree, Freegle or social buy/sell groups.
Alternatively, take any trees that are unable to be reused to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Christmas Tree Lights/Fairy Lights
Take any lights that don’t work to your local Repair Café to see if they can be fixed.
Any lights that cannot be fixed can be recycled at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre or via some kerbside waste and recycling collections – check to see if your local council offer a small electrical collection service here.
Alternatively, check the Recycle Your Electricals map to see if there are any electrical bring banks or services near you that will take your unwanted, broken lights.
Clay is classed as ‘soil and rubble’ and is accepted at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre. Please note, clay is chargeable.
Cling Film
Cling film is not recyclable.
Consider using reusable alternatives such as reusable lunch boxes, old jars or beeswax wraps instead.
Clinical Waste
All local authorities offer a clinical waste collection. Please contact your local authority to arrange this.
No clinical waste is accepted at Recycling Centres and it should not be put into your usual household collection.
Consider donating unwanted clothing to support a local charity shop, textile sack collection or ‘cash for clothes’ scheme.
Some local councils will collect textiles as part of their household collection service. Please click here for more information on what your district council collects.
Textiles can also be taken to your local textile bank or your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Coffee Pod/Capsule
Single use drinks pods/capsules are not widely recyclable. However, they can be sent to various companies depending on the brand:
Exeter residents can sign up to an initiative that will allow you to recycle your coffee pods in your kerbside recycling collection using the recycling scheme called Podback. This includes Nespresso, NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto and Tassimo pods.
If you can’t find your brand, check the brand’s website, Terracycle or Podback.
Compostable/biodegradable packaging
Currently it’s not possible to recycle or compost these materials via your kerbside waste and recycling collection service.
Please do not put compostable/biodegradable packaging in your recycling, garden or food waste collection bin.
Compostable packaging can be recycled via your home compost bin however results will vary.
Commercial waste
See Business waste.
See Electrical Items.
Cooking oil
Cooking oil is accepted at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre, providing it has come from your house and is not commercial.
Computers, Printers and Monitors
Corks can be taken to your local scrapstore.
Many art and craft activities also use corks, have a look here for some ideas.
Cotton Buds
Cotton buds are not recyclable, even those with paper stems, and should be put in your general waste bin.
Cotton Wool
Cotton wool is not recyclable and should be placed in your rubbish bin. Do not try to flush away cotton wool – it expands when placed in water and can cause blockages.
Crisp Packets
Crisp packets (those that are foil lined with a silver inside) are currently not recyclable and should be thrown away in your rubbish bin. However, Terracycle and Walkers run a crisp packet recycling scheme – more details can be found here.
Crutches can be taken back to the hospital or health centre which provided them to you, where they will be sterilised and reused.
Alternatively, visit Devon County Council’s Community Equipment page to find other methods to reuse crutches.
Cupboards and Drawers
Consider donating unwanted curtains in good condition to your local charity shop or selling/giving away via reuse sites such as Gumtree, Freegle or social media buy/sell groups.
Some local councils will collect textiles as part of their household collection service. Please click here for more information on what your local council collects.
Textiles can also be taken to your local textile bank or your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.